  • Fast-Acting Relief: Instantly soothes cough and congestion to help you breathe easier.
  • Multi-Symptom Support: Alleviates muscle aches and minor throat irritation often associated with colds.
  • Easy to Use: Apply directly to the chest, throat, or back for calming vapors that work quickly.
  • Versatile: Can also be used for steam therapy by adding a small amount to hot water for inhalation.
  • 빅스 베이퍼럽 연고 25ml
    가격 $2.99 $4.99
    이벤트가격 $2.69 ($100이상 구매시 10% 할인 적용가) (일반통관 $149 / 목록통관 $199 까지 구입 가능)
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