INTENSIVE ITCH RELIEF: 35% more dandruff fighting power*
*fights Malassezia after 1 wash vs ordinary anti-dandruff shampoos
Made with 1% Selenium Sulfide for prescription strength** dandruff relief and flaking protection (**flake protection vs prescription dandruff shampoo 2% ketoconazole)
Up to 100% dandruff protection*** (***visible flakes; with regular use)
Cleans and conditions hair while soothing dandruff itch
Offers proven protection from flakes and itch**** (****Flakes and itch associated with dandruff)
가격 | $11.99 $14.99 |
이벤트가격 | $10.79 ($100이상 구매시 10% 할인 적용가) (일반통관 $149 / 목록통관 $199 까지 구입 가능) |
유통기한 | 26/01/01 (YY/MM/DD) |
재고여부 | 재고있음 |
배송무게 | 0.9파운드 |
리뷰 (2) |
최대 구매수량 | 6개 |
수량 |
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